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It's been too long...

I thought for sure after the wedding life as we knew it would die down...wrong-O! Between Nick's promotion at work (but still looking for a career), working on getting the house all settled in, family parties, Nick's godson being born, etc. etc. etc. not to mention trying to make time for each other I've been hard pressed to blog.

But don't worry...I'm right back at it!

We celebrated our one month anniversary! Woo hoo! I can't believe it's been a month already. Part of me still doesn't feel married and then I see the his dirty socks on the bedroom floor and realize "Yep, honey he's all yours."

I've been dying to share our latest debacle. It was one of those mixed bag of emotions full of highs and lows. Here goes:

After the cheese stick incident (which subsequently gave me the nickname Cheese Stick Nazi by Nick's family), Nick continued to insist on snack food in the house. As if he didn't have an ulterior motive he would say things like, "Oh, by the way, PayLow has Jack's pizza on sale five for ten...that's a pretty good deal huh?". Day after day he would give me updates on local grocery stores' latest frozen snack food deals well, I finally caved.

Jewel had a great deal on frozen pizzas during my last grocery trip so I picked up a few to pacify my husband. But believe me this story is so much more than 1/2 inch thick cardboard with mozzarella!

The other night I had just come home from kickboxing. I was pretty tired, but feeling too lazy to shower. I sat down on the couch for a bit. Nick had that look on his face and when he went to share the blanket with me on the couch I knew where this was headed.

Rejection #1

Instead, I went to take that much needed shower wondering why on Earth he would want anything to do with me after I just worked up a sweat for an hour.

After relaxing for a bit, I called it a night. Well Nick was at it again, but simultaneously I wanted to talk (eh, lecture) him about not getting up early enough to switch the laundry or make the bed instead he played fetch with our golden retriever for an hour. Needless to say that killed the mood.

Rejection #2

Angry with me, he decided the best way to spite me was to go eat a frozen pizza at 11:15 pm (knowing full well that eating late is one of my biggest pet peeves). That'll show me! Frustrated and rejected, he took a steak knife out of the block to open up the packaging. Nick jerked the knife through the plastic and continued straight into the side of his index finger.

At this point I was drifting off to sleep when I heard fumbling in the master bath. I heard Nick say, "This could probably use stitches." I of course threw back the covers to go investigate.

Sure enough, Nick was holding his finger trying to stop the bleeding. Thankfully it ended up being a lot better than it originally looked only requiring some peroxide, neosporin and two bandages. He looked at me with these pitiful eyes and said, "This is all your fault you know." Nice try pal. We definitely got a good laugh out of it. And of course I have to rub it in that none of this would have happened if he would just leave frozen, preservative packed food where it belongs - at the grocery store.

© Nichole DeMario, 2010 – 2011. All rights reserved

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