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Did I marry a stranger?

Some days I wonder if the man I married is really the Nick I've known since the fifth grade and dated for nearly seven years. I wonder if when I wasn't looking the Nick I knew was exchanged for this man I now call my husband.

I've discovered the man I lovingly call my husband, the one I said forever to, the one I hope to start a family is not who I thought he was.

How did he hide this so well? It was masked between homemade cards, flowers, thoughtful gifts and all the romanticism in between. He's hilarious, fun loving, determined and outgoing. Sure, he put on a good front running track and playing hockey, but deep down a different side of him was trying to break the surface.

And as soon as I said those two fateful words, "I do" that other side won this impending battle.

For the past six months I've ignored little warning signs until I couldn't ignore it any longer.

The jig was up tonight.

Nick told me he wanted to purchase a gun. Coming from a family of water fowl hunters it didn't bother me. He has the proper licenses, training, etc. No worries on my part.

But then he turned the computer screen toward me and showed me not just any gun, but an assault rifle. The only response I could muster was, "WHOA! What would you need that for?"

For those that don't know this is a gun ready for battle. This is a serious weapon that means business.

This was a prime opportunity to say something to the affect, "To protect my family." Want to know what his response was?

"Well in the event we need to form an urban rebel force and had to fight off zombies, we'd be prepared!"

I was absolutely floored. With one response I discovered I married a closet nerd. An uber-imaginative, kooky, fantasy creating, zombie fearing, gunslinging nerd.

I say this all in good fun and humor. While I'm still learning a little about Nick and the couple we've become I still get a little surprised from time to time. Just when I think we have a routine and things are falling into a rhythm Nick brings me back to our reality.

He's a nerd, but he's my nerd.

© Nichole DeMario, 2010 – 2012. All rights reserved 

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