I love running across articles that dissect marriage. The good, the bad, the ugly. It's interesting to read what people deem the secret to a successful marriage; sometimes you even pick up a few tips along the way.
Ever the opinionated woman, oftentimes I run across an article that just rubs me the wrong way. As I preface an example of such an article, let me say this, I understand the premise of the following article. Marriage is not for everyone; it's not easy all the time and there are days where it is nothing but a pain in the butt. Sometimes I drive my husband crazy and vice versa. Not everyone has a desire for titles. Some people feel a verbal commitment is more than enough.
I respect this writer's opinions. People are entitled to their opinions and their First Amendment Rights. However, if you're going to go to the trouble to create a list of why people should NOT get married (whether you're trying to be clever or not) at least stay true to your title, "15 Very Good Reasons to NEVER Get Married."
Here is why I beg to differ on nearly all points.
1) Despite what everyone else says, you LOVE the single life.
Number 1 there's not too much to say here. Some people love relationships, others prefer the single life. I'm okay with that. I would never say someone should be in a relationship. The writer gets a free pass on this one. Read on.
2) You know you'll have to share both the ice cream and the television remote.
Wow, someone's selfish. So sometimes you end up watching something you're not crazy about. We have one TV in our house and believe me there are days when Lifetime (sorry to be stereotypical here) is calling my name not Sons of Guns or something about a zombie apocalypse. But the beauty of it? We get to share in each other's interests, it livens up the conversation and I learned that Nick doesn't mind watching Army Wives with me. And I'm pretty sure I'm not going to die, if someone has two scoops of my favorite Rocky Road.
3) You'll have to boot Pablo the Pool Boy.
Depends how far you want to read into this one. Nick and I have commented on the looks of members of the opposite sex and the same sex for that matter (hello, celebrity man crush/girl crush). To us, there's nothing wrong with appreciating others. But would you find us drooling over someone else, never. If Pablo the Pool Boy is your fantasy you can take the fantasy, not Pablo into the bedroom.
4) You like to sleep across the whole bed.
Sometimes, it's great to sprawl out across the entire length of a king-size bed. Sometimes, it's nice not to have someone roll over in their sleep and smack you square in the nose. But there's something about waking up from a terrible dream and being able to cuddle up to someone who makes it all better. Nothing funnier than being woken up by your significant other not only talking in their sleep, but talking in their sleep in a British accent (true story).
5) You can't stand sharing your space, especially when you know that with marriage comes dude stuff - like that awful Bud Light sign.
Dude stuff really? I'll be the first to admit, I question Nick's sense of style from time to time (Ie: No love, a blue bathroom does not coordinate with a cream, brown and green bedroom.) Yea, it would be easier to make a decision solo, but compromising isn't the end of the world either. So find a place that Bud Light sign will make both of you happy - the garage, a man cave, the basement.
6) You know that colonies of dirty socks will follow you everywhere you go the moment you let a guy move in.
It happens. Dirty clothes are on the floor. It bothers me some days more than others. But on the days where it really, really irks me, I have to remember I'm notorious of leaving stuff lying around sometimes too. Before you let a pet peeve drive you crazy, think about what you may do that sets some people off.
7) You'd rather be able to break it off and move on without having to involve the courts.
Divorce is expensive, even if it's a mutual agreement. It would be easy to say don't get divorced or don't marry someone you think you would divorce. That wouldn't be fair on my part. People change, things change, life happens.
8) Your toilet seat will NEVER be the same.
Yea, yea, yea. My salvation - a puppy who drinks out of the toilet. Now it's required for our toilet seat to always be down. I got lucky with this one. Aiming, let's not go there.
9) You don't want to have to answer to anyone - you can come and go as you please.
This is true, yes. You have complete freedom and independence, but I'm not handcuffed to my husband and I hope he doesn't consider me the old ball and chain. We bounce ideas off one another, we discuss and decide together. Usually in the end, a better idea comes out of it.
10) Marriage = one person for the rest of your life. One person for the rest of your life = BORING.
This one cracks me up. That's such a cliche reason. It's only boring if you let it be. Don't be routine, get out of your comfort zone, use your imagination...seriously.
11) Marriage is expensive. So is divorce. You'd rather take the cash and travel around Europe for three years.
I'd rather share the experience with someone. Just because I'm married it doesn't limit my dreams. I get to share my dreams, my goals and my life with someone.
12) Your main priority is climbing that corporate ladder and making yourself a success in your career.
You can have a great marriage and a great career. I've heard this one way too many times. Find someone who wants success, too or is happy to support your climb to the top. Unless you're the type who plans to sleep your way to the top (which usually ends badly), this should not hinder a healthy marriage.
13) Getting a break on your taxes and car insurance, despite what they say, isn't a reason to settle down.
Agreed. A marriage is so much more than that. The same is true for having kids as a tax break.
14) Marriage is an antiquated tradition, much like not allowing women to vote. Why bother with an institution that fails half the time?
I'm not the type to walk into anything and already plan to fail. It may be difficult to ignore statistics, but if you love someone and want to commit to one another through marriage then you shouldn't let that stand in your way.
15) You know that marriage = compromise. You don't feel that you need to compromise everything to be with someone else.
I've used the word compromise a few times in my explanations. Not every little thing has to be a compromise. That's just a generality.
I would never push marriage on someone. This is a decision Nick and I made together, eyes wide open. If you don't want to ever get married, honestly, you don't owe anyone an explanation. It's your choice and you have that right. But if you want to argue the topic with me, don't say you have 15 VERY good reasons and then talk about not wanting to share a pint of ice cream.
Ranting done.
© Nichole DeMario, 2010 – 2012. All rights reserved
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